Mission Accomplished!

Soo very proud of our little Landrey! She is officially potty trained! We have success! It only took about four days ( a day short of perfection, according to the internet. ha!) A friend of mine suggested a book Called Potty Training 1-2-3 and I thought it really helped me prepare Landrey and myself! It gave very simple tips on phrases to say for encouragement and actually leans more on the side of rewarding for staying dry verses actually “using the potty”. A idea that I had never gave much thought to, but really works! The book is very thin and easy to read (you could definitely knock this book out in a few hours.) Did I mention, cheap, too? 🙂 Everything you would want in a book, huh?

I did, however fall into the category of “pull-ups or no pull-ups”. Because our family is at church every time the doors are unlocked, I thought it wouldn’t be fair to just throw Landrey into her classes and expect her to tell her teachers EVERY time she had to go, and to have the poor nursery workers clean up messes, if they occured. Sooo….. I do allow her to wear a pull-up to church. At home, however, it is Cinderella and Princess undies all day. 🙂 So proud of her!!

I was planning on sharing some precious pictures with everyone of Chick-fil-A’s Daddy/Daughter Date Night, but unfortunately, Landrey was sick with coughing and wheezing. I was so disappointed for her. A princess theme, on top of that, I hated she wasn’t well enough to go, but here will be more date nights, no doubt!

I will share, however, some pictures that just make me smile. A friend of mine is very blessed with the talent of sewing. Something I have tried my hand at, but am definitely NOT great at! I am in awe of her work and how quickly she can just throw something together! With all of her creations coming together, she needed a little one to wear and photograph her beautiful creations and I volunteered Landrey. Little did I know that Landrey would love playing dress up and pretending each piece of clothing was a “princess dress”. I had more fun watching her than I anticipated! Jason and I definitely have our hands full with her!

Like the accessories and clothes? Visit Jeana  at https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Jeana-Beanas/441844315724  on Facebook and http://www.etsy.com/people/JeanaBeanas?ref=af_circ_favitem  on ETSY for adorable girls AND boys clothing and specality items!!

One thought on “Mission Accomplished!

  1. She is a cutie Ashly! She is a joy to have on Sunday mornings–never is she a mess! She is growing up way too fast though!

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